'Singularity' by Atsushi Heki
23rd & 24th MARCH 2018 in Malaysia
DPAC. Damansara performing Arts Center
Dancer: Pei Ern
Photography by Kent Sim

-BOMBSHELL - bombástica -
in Kyoto 23rd January ,2018
in Yokohama 10-13th February ,2018
A piece specially created by Marcelo Evelin/Demolition Incorporada
for the Japanese artist Atsushi Heki
創作/振付 マルセロ・エヴェリン
創作/出演 日置あつし
衣装美術 日置美緒
Creation and choreography : Marcelo Evelin
Creation and performance : Atsushi Heki
Ornaments : Mio Heki
舞台監督 渡川知彦
照明操作 川添真
美術 日置美緒
制作 岡本はるか(プロダクション航路延長)
主催 プロダクション航路延長
主催 アンスティチュ・フランセ 関西(京都公演)
共催 マルセロ・エヴェリン/デモリッション インコーポラーダ
協賛 松岡明彦
後援 琳派ロック/ What's Art?! 実行委員会 ギャラリー葵庵
協力 FORUM KYOTO アトリエひふみ 冨士山アネット ペーハー
Stage director : Tomohiko Watarikawa
Lighting design : Tomohiko Watarikawa
Lighting operation : Shin Kawazoe
Costume : Mio Heki
Production Manager : Okamoto Haruka ( Production Kororencyo)
Produced by : Production Koroencyo
Co-produced by : Institut français du Japon – Kansai (Performance in Kyoto)
Co-production by Marcelo Evelin/Demolition Incorporada
Sponsored by Matsuoka Akihiko
Partners : FORUM KYOTO , Atelier hifumi , FujiyamaAnnette , ph
Supported by : Rimpa Rock/What’s Art?! event organizer , Gallery KIAN

"Bird of Paradise" Atsushi Heki
in Teresina/Brazil
2017年1月 Teresina

Nichibu WS by Atsushi Heki
at CAMPO in Teresina
2017年1月 Brazil
in Maastricht
2016年7月 Maastricht

"Bird of paradise" Atsushi Heki
2017年1月 Kyoto

Kintsugi WS by Mio Heki
in Maastricht
Kintsugi is a process in which broken potteries and ceramics.It is pieced together using japanese lacquer and maki-e painting. Kintsugi, which blossomed during the Muromachi period (1336–1573) with the emergence of tea culture, wasn’t seen just as a way of fixing broken pottery and ceramic, it was also revered as part of the maki-e genre, and was seen as art work in itself.